Inflazione Stati Uniti D’America a settembre 2015

Calo dell’inflazione negli Stati Uniti.

A settembre 2015 l’inflazione americana si è attestato allo 0%; la variazione è annuale ovvero rispetto  a settembre 2014 .

Rispetto ad agosto 2015 diminuisce dello 0,2 per cento.

Qui di seguito la tabella pubblicata dal Bureau of Labor Statistics

Seasonally adjusted changes from             
                                          preceding month                      
                              Mar.  Apr.  May   June  July  Aug.  Sep.   ended 
                              2015  2015  2015  2015  2015  2015  2015   Sep.  
 All items..................    .2    .1    .4    .3    .1   -.1   -.2       .0
  Food......................   -.2    .0    .0    .3    .2    .2    .4      1.6
   Food at home.............   -.5   -.2   -.2    .4    .3    .3    .3       .8
   Food away from home (1)..    .2    .2    .2    .2    .0    .2    .5      2.9
  Energy....................   1.1  -1.3   4.3   1.7    .1  -2.0  -4.7    -18.4
   Energy commodities.......   3.8  -1.9   9.6   3.1    .7  -4.1  -8.6    -29.5
    Gasoline (all types)....   3.9  -1.7  10.4   3.4    .9  -4.1  -9.0    -29.6
    Fuel oil (1)............   5.9  -8.4    .7  -1.9  -3.4  -8.1  -2.4    -34.9
   Energy services..........  -1.5   -.5  -1.0    .2   -.6    .5   -.4     -3.0
    Electricity.............  -1.1    .0  -1.2    .2   -.4    .3   -.5      -.4
    Utility (piped) gas                                                        
       service..............  -2.7  -2.6    .0    .3  -1.4   1.2   -.3    -12.1
  All items less food and                                                      
     energy.................    .2    .3    .1    .2    .1    .1    .2      1.9
   Commodities less food and                                                   
      energy commodities....    .3    .1   -.1   -.1   -.1   -.1    .0      -.5
    New vehicles............    .2    .1    .2    .1   -.2    .0   -.1       .5
    Used cars and trucks....   1.2    .6   -.4   -.4   -.6   -.4   -.2     -1.7
    Apparel.................    .5   -.3   -.5   -.1    .3    .3   -.3     -1.4
    Medical care commodities    .1    .1    .4    .0    .1    .3   -.2      2.7
   Services less energy                                                        
      services..............    .2    .3    .2    .3    .2    .1    .3      2.7
    Shelter.................    .3    .3    .2    .3    .4    .2    .3      3.2
    Transportation services     .0    .1    .7    .4   -.2   -.3    .1      2.2
    Medical care services...    .4    .9    .2   -.2    .1    .0    .3      2.4


Qui la fonte ufficiale